How To Deal with Repairs, Inspections, and Appraisals During Divorce

Selling a house during divorce requires careful attention to repairs, inspections, and appraisals to ensure a smooth and successful sale. This instructional guide will provide step-by-step instructions on how to handle these aspects effectively. Click here

Step 1: Conduct a Home Inspection

  1. Hire a Professional Home Inspector: Engage a certified home inspector to thoroughly assess the property’s condition. The inspection report will identify any issues that need attention before listing the house for sale.
  2. Review the Inspection Report: Carefully review the inspection report with your spouse and real estate agent. Identify the repairs needed and prioritize them based on their impact on the property’s value and marketability.

Step 2: Determine Responsibility for Repairs

  1. Agree on Repair Responsibilities: Discuss with your spouse and agree on how to handle the necessary repairs. Decide whether one party will take responsibility, or if it will be a joint effort with shared costs.
  2. Consider Seller Credits: In some cases, sellers can offer credits to buyers instead of making repairs. Consult with your real estate agent to determine if this is a viable option for your situation.

Step 3: Obtain Repair Estimates

  1. Get Multiple Repair Quotes: Obtain quotes from licensed contractors for the required repairs. Having multiple estimates allows you to compare costs and make informed decisions.
  2. Share Estimates with Your Spouse: Share the repair quotes with your spouse for transparency and to jointly decide on the most reasonable and cost-effective approach.

Step 4: Schedule Appraisals

  1. Hire a Professional Real Estate Appraiser: Hire a licensed real estate appraiser to assess the property’s current market value. The appraisal will provide an unbiased and objective valuation, crucial for setting the right listing price.
  2. Share the Appraisal Results: Share the appraisal results with your spouse to ensure both parties are aware of the property’s value. It can help in reaching a mutual understanding during negotiations.

Step 5: Determine the Selling Price

  1. Review Appraisal and Market Analysis: Review the appraisal report and conduct a comparative market analysis with your real estate agent to determine a competitive and realistic selling price.
  2. Consider Negotiation Room: Take into account any potential negotiation room in the listing price. Be prepared to adjust the price based on buyer feedback and market conditions.

Step 6: Prepare for Buyer Inspections

  1. Address Repairs Before Listing: Complete the agreed-upon repairs before listing the house. This will enhance the property’s appeal to potential buyers and reduce the likelihood of renegotiations based on inspection findings.
  2. Make Necessary Disclosures: Provide full disclosure of any known defects or issues to potential buyers. Being transparent about the property’s condition is crucial to build trust with buyers.

Step 7: Work with Your Real Estate Agent

  1. Communicate with Your Agent: Maintain open communication with your real estate agent throughout the process. They can provide guidance on repairs, inspections, and negotiations based on their experience.
  2. Negotiate with Buyers: Work with your agent to negotiate any repair requests from potential buyers. Be willing to be flexible while also protecting your interests during the negotiation process.


By following these steps and working together with your spouse and real estate agent, you can effectively handle repairs, inspections, and appraisals during divorce, ensuring a successful and profitable sale of the house. Remember that communication and cooperation are vital for a smooth selling process while navigating this challenging time. Find more here